My Machines
Work machine:
🚀 15" Macbook Pro Retina running macOS Sierra
🚀 27" Samsung widescreen external display
Home machine:
🚀 13" Macbook Pro Retina running macOS High Sierra beta
🚀 22" AOC external display
Work machine:
🚀 15" Macbook Pro Retina running macOS Sierra
🚀 27" Samsung widescreen external display
Home machine:
🚀 13" Macbook Pro Retina running macOS High Sierra beta
🚀 22" AOC external display
with the following packages:
- git
- vim --override-system-vi
- macvim
- tmux
- coreutils, moreutils, findutils, gnu-sed --wih-default-names
- zsh
- rename
- tree
- ack
running zsh with prompt pure and the snazzy theme
and using Antigen to bundle useful packages.
I have a pretty intense zshrc file, which you can check out
Diehard VSCode fangirl. Made the switch from Sublime Text after I realized how awesome IDE's are.
Running the One Dark Pro theme and using 14px Hack font. The icons are from Material
I use this every day to mockup and wireframe front end components. I'm also managing our app's react-sketchapp repo based off of airbnb's open source tool
Super useful eyedropper tool and color organizer
Work communication!
Better, faster, more robust spotlight
My current day to day is mostly around building React components, as well as creating mockups and working with some hardware integration.
My go-to browser for everything
I have no idea how I bundled anything before it.
I have no idea how I wrote js before it.
I have no idea how I wrote css before it.
My code would be a hot mess without it.
Self explanatory.
Sometimes I dabble in some backend development- a lot of it with my own projects and past projects.
At work and for my side projects, I use the MERN stack.
Yay NoSQL!
I mess around a lot with raspberry pi, arduino, and any other piece of hardware I can make do something. A part of my job is playing with sensors, and that carries over at home too where I'm knee-deep in home automation.
I'd say this is the stuff I've known the longest. It's extremely handy.
Arduino has its own language which is just a set of C functions, but I found it was useful to learn more of C to understand wtf I was doing
Get yourself a $30 raspi and learn it. Seriously, worth it
Running this on one of my Pi's. Free privacy, can't beat it.
Sucks all the ads from my network 👋
Forever free dynamic DNS. Using on the same Pi as above for my home network.
Free, open source media center that's super flexible and extensible-- not to mention easy to use and nice design.
A really kickass motion sensor program. It can detect movement and then takes a snapshot and sends it to my phone. Useful for spying on the dog.
Purple lights, good API
Great intuitive design, also good API
Find out what stacks and builds any website is using
Discover what font is being usedho